Friday, October 17, 2008

And another thing...

All-tournament teams. What is the deal with that? A player winning MVP whose team lost in the quarterfinals? This needs to be fixed. And I know just how to do it.

First of all, coaches will have to sign an affidavit at the bottom of the ballot attesting THAT THEY HAVE ACTUALLY SEEN THE PLAYERS PLAY THAT THEY ARE VOTING FOR. I am convinced that some coaches are voting on reputation or what someone else has said. Or maybe just guessing.

Second, ballots will be weighted based on how long the coach's team stays in the tournament. You lose in the first round, your ballot is a 1. You lose in the second round, and you ballot is multiplied by 1.25. Third round, 1.5. You make it to the semifinals, times 2. Or something like that. Shouldn't more weight be given to the performance of the players in bracket play? Shouldn't a ballot from a team losing in the first round and handing it in as they get on their bus to go home be discounted in some way?

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