Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mixed emotions

Those of you who are regular readers of this blog know that I do not report on the games and the team like a news reporter. I offer opinion, I ramble, I rant, I try to be funny sometimes - I do it not only to keep you all informed but also to entertain - myself, mostly. So I'm not going to coldly report that the Calvary Lady Patriots volleyball team won their opener last night, even though they did. I am going to tell you that I don't think I've ever been as disappointed as I was when Kristi told me that the doctor told her that Kara's wrist was broken.

I've expressed to a few of you that I have been looking toward this season with great anticipation (as I always do), because I love the sport, I enjoy the young people, and I love the Calumet/Calvary program; but also with dread, because it was going be the last season one of our kids would be part of the that program. Well, not long ago I think I finally resolved to just enjoy every minute of it, to not think about it being the last season, to appreciate all the things I love about it - to live in the present, to use a cliche.

I just didn't factor in that Kara might get injured (considering all of her car accidents, I probably should have). So as we (Coach Casey, Kelsey, Mary Ellen and two young Rohn children) rode home in silence from the game yesterday, I tried to come to terms with the possibility that Kara's season (and mine, as overbearing-parent as that sounds) was over before it barely began. After toying with the irrational and emotion-driven thought of bagging the whole season if Kara was done, as I thought it would be too painful to watch without Kara playing, I remembered all the stuff that I enjoy so much about my daughters being a part of this program. I remembered that I was going to enjoy this season even though it would be our last. I remembered that God is sovereign, even when we don't understand His plan, and He is good. So now I would have to experience at least part of it without my daughter to watch. So be it. I still want to be part of it. So if the rest of team lets me, I will continue to be way over-involved as I have always been.

You can't get rid of me that easily.

Back to the game.

After a couple years of post-Frank McClure lull, it looks like the fan base has been reestablished and reenergized. Led by Tim Young and Jake Schaap, a large contingent of fans followed the team down to Wheatfield last night to cheer on the Patriots. Gotta love the networking power of Facebook.

At 5:30, the JVB team took on Kankakee Valley while the JVA team played KV's JV team. Yes, at the same time. And there could have been a couple more games going on in the other gym. Yes, two gyms. All this in a school of 400 students. I guess the government schools need every tax dollar they get. But I digress. It was interesting to try to watch two games at the same time, especially since both matches were closely contested. Both of the best-of-three matches went to three games, with our JVB team falling 25-21, 21-25, 13-15, and the JVB team winning 25-23, 11-25, 15-14.

The varsity match followed, starting about 7:20. Starting lineup was Faith, Taylor, Rachel, Jessi, Kara and Emily, with Allison as libero. The game opened up with a lot of ragged play on both sides. You could tell it was the first match of the year for both squads. KV pulled out to a 13-9 lead. Then Calvary went on a 12-2 run to jump out to a 21-15 lead. I'd like to say it was because of the exceptional play of our girls, but KV made a lot of mistakes in addition to our improving play, especially Faith's serves. Calvary then closed out a 25-17 win.

The Patriots continued their solid play to open the second game, and jumped out to a 10-5 lead. I'm not sure exactly when Kara went out, but her absence led to some confused play and the girls starting making mistakes. KV gradually caught up and went ahead 22-20. Solid serving by...someone. I remember good serving, but I didn't write down who (Rachel?) got us four straight points. We gave up one, they had a service error and we won 25-23.

I didn't pay much attention to the ebb and flow of the third game, but the girls pulled out another win, 25-20, to win the match in three straight. My impressions of the match were that the girls were tight early; Faith was placing her spikes instead of blasting due to the double blocking; besides the missed ones, our serves were difficult to return, especially Faith and Rachel's; Ally played great defense; and the girls had trouble adjusting to two starters being out.

Calvary puts its undefeated record on the line on Friday at the old Armory. Times and exact location are in the schedule at the bottom. See you there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was kind of depressing. I feel so bad for Kara. It's almost as if I was the one that got hurt my senior year. I feel her pain and your pain. But Lord willing she will heal quickly and get right back out there in time for our home tournament. Prayer is in motion.

P.S. I love reading the blog. You are surprisingly a GREAT writer. Thanks for doing this!! =D